Schutzhund Training Commands
Common Schutzhund Training Commands, their proper pronunciation and their meaning in English.
German | Pronunciation | English |
Achtung! | (Ahk-toong’) | Watch! Attention! |
Aus! | (Ows) | Out! Drop It! Let Go! |
Bleib! | (Blibe) | Stay! |
Bring! | (Brring) | Fetch! |
Fass! | (Fahs) | Attack! Take hold! |
Fuss! | (Foos) | Heel! |
Gib Laut! | (Gib Lawt) | Bark! |
Hier! | (Heer) | Here! Come! |
Hopp! | (Hup) | Up! Jump! |
Nein! | (Nine) | No! |
Pass auf! | (Pahs owf) | Pay attention! / Watch |
Pfui! | (Foo-ey) | Shame! Stop That! |
Platz! | (Plots) | Down! |
Sitz! | (Zetz) | Sit! |
Such! | (Zook) | Search! |
Voran! | (For-ahn) | Go On! Blind Search |
Voraus! | (For-ows) | Go forward! Run out! |
Since Schutzhund is the demonstration of the German Shepherd dog’s most desirable characteristics, dogs well trained in Schutzhund are usually excellent companions in the home. The German Shepherd Dog — like any other working dog that possesses mental stability — has trust and confidence in itself, allowing it to be at peace with its surroundings.
In addition to sound structural efficiencies for long, arduous work, the standard for the German Shepherd Dog calls for mental stability and a willingness to work. The dog should be approachable, quietly standing its ground, showing confidence and a willingness to meet overtures without itself necessarily making them. It should be generally calm, but eager and alert when the situation warrants. It should be fearless, but also good with children.
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